Remarkable People
Submitted by U.S. Wealth Oman on July 22nd, 2019By: Gary Oman
What do a firefighter, police officer, teacher, camera man, and administrator have in common?
By: Gary Oman
What do a firefighter, police officer, teacher, camera man, and administrator have in common?
By: Gary Oman
By: Gary Oman
Independence Day, the Fourth of July, celebrates the declaration by the Continental Congress two hundred forty-three years ago that the thirteen American colonies were no longer subject to the monarch of Britain and were united, free and independent states.
By: Gary R. Oman
By: Gary R. Oman
If you didn’t like the results when you filed your 2018 federal tax return, it may be a good idea to check your federal withholding for 2019. With a little over six months to go, there is sufficient time to estimate if you are having enough taxes withheld to achieve the results you want for 2019. Here’s one way to do it…
By Gary R. Oman
By: Gary R. Oman
As Easter approaches, it seemed to me that this would be an opportunity to express my appreciation. Sometimes, in passing, we reflect on people or acts of kindness or other things, saying, “that was thoughtful or that was nice”. Those are good thoughts but sometimes more is better.
January 10, 2019
Dear Valued Investor:
By: Amy S. Oman
In 2000, nineteen Christmases ago, my Mom planned a get together that turned into an amazing tradition called, Dianne’s “Ladies Night” – and it’s one of my favorite nights every year!
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